
I reserve the right to decline commission offers and I do not have to disclose the reason. You must absolutely be certain my style works with your vision. Please contact me through IM on any of the social media sites listed above, ask for my discord, or email me. I accept payment through stripe or paypal.

Will Draw

Armor, monsters/creatures/aliens/furries, animals, original characters, blood, body horror, oc/canon, oc/oc.

Won't Draw

Heavy gore/bodily trauma, explicit sexual content and fetishes.


Canon pairings/ships, mecha, non-sexual nudity.


Digital Sketch

Digital Illustration

Public Zine Works

Commissioned Works


Please specify if you'd like a work done in my default style, or my secondary, slightly more stylized art. RATES ARE BOUND TO CHANGE BASED ON COMPLEXITY OF PIECE. Prices are listed in USD.

Digital Sketch

A roughly lined and colored digital sketch. Includes rough rendering.Headshot- $45Bust- $50Waist- $55Full Body- $60-$80 depending on complexityBG- $5-$10 Depending on complexity. Will not charge for simple shapes/color bg (like in the example).For Each Additional Character- add on x.5 base price. (So for a $60 sketch, an additional character will be $30)

Digital Illustration

A lineless, fully rendered digital art piece.Headshot- $130Bust- $150Waist- $170Full Body- $200-$300 depending on complexityBG- $50-$200 Depending on complexity. Will not charge for simple shapes/color bg.Additional charges depending on complexity of subject.For Each Additional Character- x2 the price. (So for a waist up illustration of two characters, an additional character will be a full $170).

Terms of Service

By commissioning mothchimeart, referred to within the terms and service as the artist, the commissioner agrees to the following terms and conditions listed below:I. General Terms
• Commission slots will be offered, wherein commissioners will wait in a virtual queue until the artist can approach them for details regarding payment. This is a first come, first serve basis. Commission slots can be revoked at any point by the commissioner prior to receiving payment.
• When discussing the details of the commission, please provide references if necessary, use clear and concise language in order to obtain an accurate result in the end product. If there are specifics to me made, please list them, otherwise details will be left up to artistic discretion.
• The artist reserves the right to decline a commission at any point in time. See refund section for more details.
II. Product Pricing
• Digital Sketch: $45 for headshot, $50 for bust, $55 for waist, and $60 for full body. x.5 base price for each additional character. Includes color and shading. Specific background elements as defined by the commissioner will range from $5 to $10 depending on complexity.
• Digital Illustration: $130 for headshot, $150 for bust, $170 for waist, and $200-$300 depending on complexity for full body. x2 base price for each additional character. Includes color and shading. Specific background elements as defined by the commissioner will range from $50 to $200 depending on complexity.
III. Payment
• Payments are listed in USD. Do not send payment unless the commission is accepted and the commissioner’s slot is ready for payment discussion.
• Payments are to be sent through paypal or ko-fi.
• Payments are to be made 100% upfront. I am willing to discuss payment plans.
IV. Process
• The commissioner will receive routine work in progress (WIP) snapshots over the course of the creation process.
• Color correction will be offered for free depending on specifics. One or two minor corrections will be free; however, the artist reserves the right to charge for a total color correction overhaul at quarter price the cost of the full commission to be made before correction work can begin.
• There is an allowance of one free complete revision during sketching phase. The second complete revision and any subsequent ones will be $20 to be paid prior to beginning the revision process. Singular revision details such as hair details, hand placement, ect., will be offered for free.
• Time for commissions to be completed can range up to two months at the most. This is due to matters such as commissioner slot order, commission complexity, the artists’ health, and influence of events within the artist’s personal life.
• The artist will notify the commissioner of any changes that will affect the time in which the commission will be completed.
V. Refunding
• Only 100% of the total commission cost is available per commissioner request during the sketching phase as a refund. From that point on, the artist will only offer a 50% refund. The 50% kept covers the cost of labor done thus far by the artist.
• Once the commission is completed, upon which the commissioner will be notified of, the commission is non-refundable. Payment is final by that point.
• The artist reserves the right to cancel a commission and refund 100% in the event a commission cannot be completed as per the artist’s discretion.
VI. Copyright and Usage
• Commissioned art is not to be re-sold for physical currency, cryptocurrency, or as a NFT by the commissioner.
• The use of using commissioned artwork for the purpose of AI model training is explicitly forbidden.
• The artist retains the copyright to the commissioned product.
• The artist reserves the right to use a commissioned product to promote themselves, publish in print, or reupload on the internet.
• Commissioners are allowed to use the product for personal use, claim rights to the character portrayed, print or reupload the art with artist credit, and use to promote themselves with artist credit.
• The following is deemed copyright infringement: commercial reproduction/usage, taking full credit for the product, removal of artist credit, alteration of product, and refusal to deliver credit when appropriate.
• Commercial rights to the commissioned product are available for purchase at triple the full commissioned price.
• Commercial rights give full ownership of the product to the commissioner. The commissioner will only then be allowed to reproduce the product commercially such as either in print or digitally, use in merchandising and products, alter product, and use in promotion.
• Even in the event commercial rights are bought, the artist must still be credited.
VII. Confidentiality
• The artist acknowledges they may become aware of information that relates to the commissioner on a personal level, such legal names, address, and financial information. The artist agrees to keep all information confidential.
• Likewise, the commissioner agrees to keep personal details from the artists, such as legal names and financial information, confidential.
VIII. Agreement
• By signing this form (via google forms) and upon the artist receiving payment, both parties agree they have read, understood, and will comply with the terms listed in this terms of service.
Last updated: 1/23/2023. Terms of service are bound to change if discussed with the artist prior to the commission.